OD-Map® Organizational Effectiveness Survey

OD-Map® is an advanced organizational diagnostics/employee engagement survey, which measures the intangible factors of organizational effectiveness, and helps in planning and implementing interventions.

  • Gain insights from employee feedback, identify bottlenecks, and implement continuous improvement.
  • Engage and retain talent more effectively.
  • Enhance leadership and company culture.
  • Improve the performance and vitality of the business.

Welcome to the next-generation organizational diagnostics/employee engagement/employee opinion survey. It is more than a survey: it is designed to facilitate change and propel improvement actions. The advanced statistics of OD-Map® pinpoint what your organization needs to do in order to advance to the next level.

Reports are insightful and easy to understand:

You can download the OD-Map® Brochure, or Contact Us for a sample report if you are interested in using it in your work.

Organizational diagnosis and benchmarking

OD-Map® shows shifts in direction and charts the progress of Organizational Development efforts, providing important data for:

  • Making decisions regarding leadership/management development, talent management, motivation, and performance enhancement projects.
  • Keeping track of progress over the years in terms of engagement levels, organizational culture effectiveness, and performance-enabling factors. Creating internal benchmarks (the best form of benchmarking).

Key features:

  • Multilingual. (as all OD Tools).
  • Fast and efficient – people can complete the questionnaire usually under 10 minutes.
  • Customization for company-specific attributes can be created, e.g. organizational charts, locations, employee levels, and demographic attributes, etc. The tool also supports normative and free-text custom questions as well.
  • Data can be segmented along any standard and/or customized employee attributes.
  • Reports can be created using a variety of benchmarks.
  • Mobile friendly: it can be used on all popular devices.

OD-Map® implementation:

Our consultants will work with you in every step of planning, customizing, and implementing the survey. Our online platform makes data gathering, analysis, and reporting as efficient as possible, so you can focus on the development actions that create the highest value for your situation. Our consultants not only can help you in implementing the survey, but also can support your organization in designing and implementing improvement actions following the surveys.

You can download the OD-Map® Brochure, or please Contact Us for more information.

Product Summary: OD-Map® Organizational Effectiveness Survey
OD-Map® Report
Product description: Comprehensive organizational diagnostic survey based on metastudies and OD best practices. Advanced, user-friendly data analysis functions show the specific improvement needs.
Category: Organizational Effectiveness Survey
Users: Trainers, Consultants, HR and OD professionals
Publisher: OD-Tools®
Please Contact Us for pricing and licensing information