Learning & Development Tools

The developers of OD-Tools are senior trainers themselves, and they designed the tools to be training friendly. You can find suitable tools for most typical use cases: leadership, sales, customer service, communication, team building, conflict management, negotiation, motivation skills, and the EQ development program. You can select the most relevant tools and report sections depending on your preferred topic. Group reports bring impressive visualization opportunities to optimize the impact at the group and organization levels.

A wide range of options and automation make project management a breeze. Excel participant data importing, participant self-registration, automatic report download, or report sending… just to mention a few.

Of course, the most important feature is the quality of the tools. Quality means efficiency – assessment times are not too long; accuracy – people agree with the results; and impactful – people learn new concepts and gain new insights from our reports. Completing our questionnaires and reading our reports help people reflect and increase their self-awareness. Participants often remember and apply the learning for many years!

Instrument Leadership Development Team Development Soft-Skills Training Career Counseling Link
Trait-Map® Details
EQ-SWOT™ Details
MQ Details
Interest-Map™ Details
Teamwork Big Five Questionnaire (TBFQ) Details
Teamwork Big Five Questionnaire for Hybrid/Remote Teams Details
OD-Map® Details
360 Tools Details

Leadership Development Tools

Leaders play a distinct role in the life of organizations, and many companies rightly put special emphasis on Leadership Development. You can read more about how OD-Tools support Leadership Development efforts: Leadership Development Tools