Distributors are licensed to use OD-Tools Products worldwide to enhance their people and organizational development services (coaching, training, workshop facilitation, assessment/development centers, candidate assessment, People Analytics, OD diagnostics, consulting projects, etc). In addition to using OD-Tools Products worldwide in their services, they can also resell OD-Tools Products in their respective authorized territories. Reselling is defined as enabling organizations to use OD-Tools Products independently by certifying them and providing them direct access to the administration functions.
China, People's Republic
HRO Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Ms Maria Lin, Managing Director for Mainland China
Germany / DACH
Wachstum für Mensch und Organisation GmbH
Ms Petra Zander
Watzmannstr. 28a
84034 Landshut
T +49 871 96629468
Valoro Consulting
Ms Gabriella Fekete, Managing Director, Senior Trainer
M +36 20 539 1523
Mindcarter Psychological Services Pvt. Ltd.
Mr Amar Rajan, Director & CEO
Module A, Tejaswini annex, Technopark,
Trivandrum, Kerala, India
PKL Consulting
Paul Maina or Mary Ndungu
Second Floor BRAVO,
Wilson Business Park, Nairobi, Kenya
T +254 722 72 1960 / +254 721 62 7007
Tic Tac Toe Consulting Sdn Bhd
Mr Clifford Liow
422, Jalan Perusahaan Ringan, Setapak,
53200 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA
+6010-766 3846 (WhatsApp)
BCF Group Limited
Mr Tienie Loubser, Director of Learning & Development
5 Wheatcroft Business Park, Landmere Lane, Edwalton, Nottingham, NG12 4DG.
T +44 (0)844 800 3295
OD-Tools.com UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Mr Gabor Nagy, Managing Director
Berliner Str. 95
Berlin, D-13507, Germany
T +49 3023531610
Success Partner Co., Ltd.
Mr Le Nhat Truong Chinh, Chief Consultant
Floor 5, Songdo Building, 62A Pham Ngoc Thach, Ward 6, Dist 3, HCMC, Vietnam
Hotline: +84 94 764 4696
Other countries
OD-Tools.com UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Mr Gabor Nagy, Managing Director
Berliner Str. 95
Berlin, D-13507, Germany
T +49 3023531610
Distribution Definitions
The term “OD-Tools Products” refers to the online assessment solutions developed and marketed by OD-Tools.com Ltd.: questionnaires, tests, surveys, algorithms, reports, accessed and delivered by the OD-Tools SaaS assessment system (“the System”).
“Services” means people and organizational development solutions (coaching, training, workshop facilitation, assessment/development centers, candidate assessment, People Analytics, OD diagnostics, consulting projects, etc) that include OD-Tools Products combined with other services and provided by Distributors or Solution Providers to End-Users and Participants.
“Reselling OD-Tools Products” means enabling organizations to use OD-Tools Products independently by providing them access to the administration functions of the System. The enabled organization can be a Sub-Distributor, a Solution Provider, or a System Client. Reselling involves setting up a sub-organization in the System; setting up users with Assessment Facilitator authorization in the System, and providing user training and Credits that are needed for using the OD-Tools Products. Reselling can be also referred to as Distribution; developing System Clients; selling Credits; or developing a user network.
“Solution Providers” are licensed to use OD-Tools Products to enhance their Services worldwide, however, they are not authorized to resell OD-Tools Products.
“Distributors” are licensed to use OD-Tools Products to enhance their Services worldwide, and they can also resell OD-Tools Products in their respective authorized territories. The territory limitation of reselling means that the legal entity’s official address, which buys the OD-Tools Products, must be in the authorized territory (while the physical location of employees or other locations of a larger organization is not relevant). For example, a Distributor authorized to resell in Germany could resell OD-Tools Products to Amazon Digital Germany GmbH (official address: Domagkstr. 28, 80807 München, Germany), although the headquarter of Amazon is in another country or that Amazon may use the OD-Tools Products not only in Germany.
“Top-Distributors” are distributors that buy their licenses directly from OD-Tools.com Ltd. “Sub-Distributors” are distributors that buy their licenses from a Top-Distributor.
“End-Users” are organizations who purchase OD-Tools Products and/or Services for their internal use (employee selection and development, organizational development, people analytics processes or projects, etc). End-Users can be also referred to as Customers or Clients. “System Clients” are End-Users who use the OD-Tools Products independently by accessing the administration functions of the System.
“Assessment Facilitators” are individuals who are authorized to access the assessment administration functions of the OD-Tools system. They are employees or associates of Distributors, Solution Providers, or System Clients.
“Participants” are the individuals (employees or candidates), who complete the online tests or questionnaires.