
Guide to Employee Engagement and Employee Motivation surveys

There is a lot of confusion about these topics. As a developer of both Employee Engagement and Employee Motivation tools, I would like to clarify these concepts, helping HR professionals and consultants benefit more from implementing surveys. I want to highlight the need for individualized motivation approaches besides the popular engagement programs based on anonymous engagement survey results.

While Employee Engagement programs are all on the rise, employee motivation (Work Motivation) gets less talked about in business and management articles, as if engagement would have replaced motivation, as a kind of Work Motivation 2.0. Employee Engagement is indeed more manager friendly, but I want to show here that the current practices leave out some important aspects of Work Motivation...

Wide-band personality inventories: comparing Hogan HPI, shl OPQ32r, Facet Five, and Trait-Map
As the lead author of Trait-Map, a wide-band personality inventory, I am often asked to compare our product to other similar products on the market. This is not an easy task, because the considerations of model creation and questionnaire development are not easily understood by people who are not deeply in the topic. It also takes time to really understand a personality assessment tool beyond the marketing materials: some key information is hidden in the Technical Manuals, and only the initiated can understand it. I make an attempt now to compare these assessments in an objective manner and hopefully I can help readers in better understanding these mysterious products....
Psychometric data and The Power of Now
As a developer of psychometric tools, I have a unique opportunity to view things from the perspective of psychometric data. I work with anonymized responses to questionnaire items from thousands of people from all over the world. The data enables me to gain insights into topics such as gender and cultural differences, the structure of personality, the drivers of employee engagement. And now even some claims put forward by Eckhart Tolle in his famous book...