OD-Map Case Study


The Client is a Chinese software company developing cutting edge mobile apps and enterprise information systems for the traveling industry. The objective of the project was getting an accurate picture of the internal strengths and weaknesses of the organization, and improve employee engagement. After conducting an interview with the top management team of the company, HRO Shanghai implemented the ODMap Organizational Effectiveness Survey

The results on one hand confirmed the managerial estimations regarding to the two biggest departments' situation, on the other hand it brought important and previously overlooked problems to the attention of the management team. It took only a three hours meeting to discuss the results and define the improvement objectives.

The most important outcomes of the 3 hours discussion were 1) changing the process of strategic decision making. Instead of the President just discussing with the General Manager, the company will form a strategy team including more key personnel. This will not only help the decisions quality, but also will help the communication of the strategy within the company; 2) In order to let everyone in the company know the key projects and their status, the company will hang a huge dashboard in the middle of their lobby; 3) The company decided to do cross-departmental team building in a creative and cost effective way (the how will be worked out later); 4) The company decided to organize formal experience sharing sessions as a first step in training and knowledge management (the how will be worked out later). I am looking forward to hear about the implementation results soon.

Written by: Gabor Nagy